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Ural State University of Railway Transport

Личный кабинет студента
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Here we go!


To design a real bolide or a boat powered by solar energy? No problem! For young engineers from technical laboratory FabLab at USURT it is not difficult. At least, at first sight it seems real simple to design cars according to strict regulation which is close to the regulation of "Formula 1". But how actually the situation in the creation of bolide is, Nikita Mitin and Marina Mikhaylovskaya, who in two weeks will go to serious international competition to Italy, were talking about in detail.

Now, the basic structure of FabLab is more than 30 students. Each participant has a specific role - mechanics, engineers, designers. Every year they prepare new racing car with which they go to the international scientific and technical competition to Italy where test the car for stability, acceleration and maneuverability. Moreover, the student bolide passed the test drive by Alexander Morozov, car expert and anchor of AVTONEWS-ATN.

This year it is the seventh bolide of engineers of Fablab. It differs from previous car not only by internal elements, but also external structure.

- In a new bolide there is more automatic equipment. Last year the electric drive clutch was used and at competition it burned down. It was necessary to put manual gear selection and to finish a race. This year we put pneumatic clutch. In our view, it is more reliable and also increases the speed. Now, everything works well. And if we overcome the main race in Italy on pneumatics – it will be our personal achievement. - Nikita with enthusiasm was talking about working process.

- Last year we had a problem– removing a body was very long. Now, we have changed bolts for hitches. It is enough to press the button - and the bolt is free. The body is removed for technical inspection. Before competition the technical inspection views all our engineering solutions which under a body. We also changed appearance of the car. There are some changes in the suspension. Car frame are finished. We used other pipes with the better characteristics. The most difficult thing is to undergo technical inspection. - Marina continued.

Marina, having at school good marks on mathematics and physics, makes all calculations. She can create a car and is a leader on carbon.

Unfortunately, the newly made car prepared to engineers a new unpleasant surprise. Two weeks ago, when they tested the car, the engine was out. The car had to be disassembled almost completely. They did repair work and restored the engine.

- In this situation are there any chances of finishing well?

- Of course, - Nikita talked enthusiastically. - The challenge now is not just to reach the finish line at a good speed. Judges look at energy efficiency and components of the car. Past experience plays important role. Therefore, everything that new is a correction mistakes, adjustments and improvements, so the car to be reliable and works really well at competition. About 30% of teams do not participate in competition in the reason of breakages of cars. And only 20% reach the finish line. Therefore, first of all, we pay attention to reliability of the car.

Both Nikita and Marina are very keen on engineering process, and devote much of their time for it but do not forget about study.

- We are almost live here. The project allows obtaining the knowledge and applying this knowledge in practice. In our view – it is great!

A lot of things have changed in the student life since they arrived at Fablab. Nikita came to the laboratory in the second year of learning. He gained working experience in team. Working together with a team was not easy for Nikita because he is private person but he overcame an obstacle.

Marina believes that it is quite possible for girls to design a car. The main thing is the desire to do it. What is necessary? Of course, such qualities as patience and vigor. It is annoying when something does not work well, but you should discipline yourselves and continue work. Marina takes his work very seriously.

Work in Fablab already affected the future of the students. In fact, it is a small enterprise where students consider technical ideas and issues. When they graduate from the University, they will already have a portfolio.

Employers that are serious about skilled personnel monitor USURT student activities and can offer them good perspective work.

But students of Fablab have only one main purpose so far: to design the car within two weeks, test the mechanisms and go to Italy on July 16. If the car undergoes technical inspection at competition – it will be success already. Let's wish the team of USURT good luck!

Elena Krasulina