Study at USURT

Ural State University of Railway Transport

Личный кабинет студента
и преподавателя

General Information

Dean of the faculty: Maksim V. Kirillov, PhD in Engineering, Associate Professor
Phone number: +7 (343) 221-24-23

Deputy Dean for Educational work: Valentina V. Yurchenko
Phone number: +7 (343) 221-24-23

Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs: Elena Y. Smorodintseva
Phone number: +7 (343) 221-24-23

Brief information about the faculty

The faculty of "Transportation processes management" (up to 1982 - Maintenance Department) was organized as an independent unit on February 1, 1968. However, the training of specialists in the profile of the faculty began earlier - in September 1964, when the decision was made by the Academic Council of the Institute to create the department of "Operation of Railways".

The first Dean of the faculty was candidate of Technical Sciences, associate Professor Alexander Pavlov, a graduate of the Novosibirsk Institute of Railway transport engineers (NIIZHT). Under his leadership, the laboratory of dispatching management of train traffic, the cabinet of organization and mechanization of freight work were created, and materials for machine programmed control were developed.

In the 70s, in the framework of the specialty "Organization of transport and management of railway transport", along with the training of engineers for the specialty "Management of transport processes on mainline railroads", the faculty began to train specialists in the specialty of "Management of cargo and commercial work on railway transport", and since 2002 "Management of cargo and commercial work in international traffic".
Since 1994, due to the growth of passenger traffic, the faculty trains engineers in the fourth specialization "Passenger transport Management (transport services)" and in 2007 opened a new specialization "Transport logistics".

In 2000, the training of specialists began on the basis of dual education with an accelerated training period of 4.5 years.

Since 1998, the faculty has been accepting new majors in "Safety of technological processes and production" and"Engineering environmental protection". In 2003, the first full-time students graduated from these two specialties.

In 1964, admission to the faculty in the specialty of "Organization of transportation and management on railway transport" was 50 people, in 1965-1970 - 75 people annually, in 1971-1975 - 100 people. Currently, there are 232 students in the first year of the Faculty of transport management, and about 1,170 people study at the faculty. Over the years of its existence, the Faculty has trained more than 4 thousand specialists, of which more than 500 graduated from the University with honors diploma.

The staff of the departments of the faculty is presented by highly qualified specialists.
The Faculty has well-equipped laboratory base, which includes laboratories for automated train control, computer technology, mathematical modeling, monitoring, Bioecology, environmental engineering, hydraulics and heat engineering, electrical and fire safety, labor protection, etc. The laboratories are equipped with electronic computing equipment, technical training tools, and personal computers.
The scope of work of engineers includes: organization of movement of freight and passenger trains on the railway network; planning of freight and passenger transportation; development of technological processes of freight and passenger stations; development of technical conditions for loading and securing cargo; preparation of unified technological processes of stations operation and access roads of industrial enterprises, safety of technological processes, industrial safety, labor protection, certification of works in the field of labor protection, engineering protection of air and water basins, environmental monitoring, etc.

Graduates work as managers and engineers of all ranks at stations, departments and divisions of Russian Railways, and those who are inclined to design and research work - in institutes for the design of railway stations and nodes, research institutes, departments for environmental expertise.

Specialist Program

23.05.05 Railway operation

Area of specialization: Main-line transport

Area of specialization: Cargo and commercial work

Qualification: railway engineer

Mode of study: full-time

Bachelor's Program

23.03.01 Transport process Technology

Field of training: Transport logistics

Qualification: bachelor

Mode of study: full-time

20.03.01 Technosphere safety

Qualification: bachelor

Mode of study: full-time

Master's degree Program

23.04.01 Transport process Technology

Field of training: Technology of transport processes in railway transport

Qualification: master's degree

Mode of study: full-time, part-time

20.04.01 Technosphere safety

Field of training: Technosphere safety

Qualification: master's degree

Mode of study: full-time, part-time

Postgraduate Study

27.06.01 Management in technical systems

Field of study: "Management of transportation processes"

Qualifications: The Researcher. Teacher-researcher

Mode of study: full-time

09.06.01 Computer science and engineering

Qualification: Researcher. Teacher-researcher

Mode of study: full-time

Departments of the Faculty

Operations Management

Head: Elena N. Timuhina, PhD in Engineering, Associate Professor


Phone number: +7 (343) 221-24-36

Stations, hubs and cargo work

Head: Oksana V. Molchanova, PhD in Engineering, Associate Professor


Phone number: +7 (343) 221-24-35

Technosphere safety

Head: Vladimir G. Bulaev, DSc in Engineering, Professor


Phone number: +7 (343) 221-24-11

Natural sciences

Head: Galina A. Timofeeva, DSc in Mathematics, Professor


Phone number: +7 (343) 221-24-04